Victoria School Music Festival

Jazz Ensemble

2025 Dates:

VSMF Jazz Ensemble Section
September 8th - 12th
Hawthorn Arts Centre


JJE = Junior Jazz Ensemble, IJE = Intermediate Jazz Ensemble, SJE = Senior Jazz Ensemble

Festival Administrator
Michael Jongebloed
Victorian School Music Festival
228 Auburn Road
Hawthorn Vic 3122
PH: 03 98188520
Mobile: 0419 556 460

Registration Dates

Registration for 2025 Jazz Ensemble open between Monday April 28th and Thursday May 1st.


Registration Process

Registration Process      

  1. Registrations open at 9am on Monday April 29th & close at 5pm on Friday May 3rd.
  2. There are a certain number of places available in each section, refer to the proposed timetable. Groups will be allocated to sections in the order registrations are received. You may not receive your first preference on for all sections entered.
  3. NOTE: This may happen before the close of registrations. Once places are filled schools will be placed on a waiting list.
  4. Registration can only be submitted on-line at
  5. Groups must indicate on their application form their 1st, 2nd & 3rd attendance preference for each category they are entering.
  6. Requests made after May 3rd (close of applications) will be considered if possible. Please consult the proposed timetable when stating preferences

             Download – 2024 VSMF Jazz Ensemble Proposed Timetable


  1. $80.00 per school band plus $12.00 per participating student.
  2. Registration fees are inclusive of GST.
  3. Cancellations received prior to Friday 28th June 2024 may apply for a refund of the participating student’s fees only. After June 28th no refunds will be made (This includes students who do not attend the actual event). Fees will still be applicable even if groups have withdrawn.
  4. If the Festival is postponed or cancelled due to Covid19 restrictions, a full refund will be provided.
  5. Registrations will not be accepted without a school order number. A tax invoice will be sent on receipt of registration.

General Procedure

  1. Each ensemble will be given an arrival time. After registration the ensemble will be assigned to a courier who will have the responsibility of acting as a guide for the ensemble.
  2. DHHS Covid19 Guidelines regarding live performances will be adhered to at all times.
  3. Standard COVID-19 safety measures that will include sanitising, audience spacing and mask wearing (if appropriate).
  4. Schools must adhere to arrival and departure times. Any school that departs without completing all activities without prior arrangement with the Festival Administrator may be excluded from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.
  5. Each ensemble will participate in three activities:


Pre-performance warm –up & tuning period

Performance to a panel of adjudicators


Post Performance workshop on stage with the chief Adjudicator


Each ensemble will listen to 2 other ensembles perform.

Participation Criteria



  1. The Festival is open to students who are currently attending any primary or secondary school, and who are participating in school/college concert bands and/or jazz ensembles.
  2. Combined school groups may participate if that ensemble rehearses on a regular basis. Confirmation of this arrangement must be sent with the registration form and co-signed by the principals of the schools involved.
  3. Teachers may not play with the ensemble.
  4. All school groups must provide the necessary ratio of staff supervision to the number students attending the Festival. It is not the responsibility of VSMF staff to monitor group behaviour. This also applies to groups attending the evening and weekend sessions.
  5. No school may register the same ensemble or an ensemble made up of 80% of the same performers in two different levels within the same genre of ensembles (eg. Junior Jazz Ensemble & Intermediate Jazz Ensemble)

Performance Criteria



  1. Please refer to category information for specific regulations regarding choice of music.
  2. Any ensemble that fails to meet the performance criteria as set out for each category may be excluded from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will not be at the discretion of the Chair of Adjudicators.


You will need to provide all 2 copies of the scores for the all pieces you are performing including any from the VSMF repertoire list.

  1. Participating groups are required to provide two (2) copies of each score for adjudication purposes.
  2. All changes to the score must be clearly indicated (e.g. Bass part played on synth).
  3. Each score is to be stapled together with the name of the school clearly marked.
  4. All scores provided for the adjudicators must have each bar numbered.
  5. Please refer to category information for specific regulations regarding performance criteria.
  6. If the total performance time as permitted in the performance criteria is exceeded, excess performance time will be subtracted from the on-stage tutorial time.
  7. Each ensemble will receive an award being Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze. Refer to Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble information for eligibility
  8. Excess performance of more than two (2) minutes may result in exclusion from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will be at the discretion of the Chair of Adjudication.
  9. Any ensemble that fails to meet the performance criteria as set out for each category may be excluded from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will be at the discretion of the adjudication panel.
  10. The decision of the panel of adjudicators is final. No further correspondence will be entered in to.



  1. Any Senior or Intermediate Jazz Ensemble that wish to substitute from the A – Swing or B – Ballad lists may apply to do so in writing.
  2. Requests for exception of criteria must be forwarded with details of the replacement score, by June 23rd to: Michael Jongebloed, Victorian School Music Festival, 228 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, 3122


  1. All schools must use the equipment supplied.
  2. Schools may not use their own drumkits but may bring their own cymbals.
  3. Schools must provide all percussion mallets required for their performance and all auxiliary percussion eg: triangle, cabasa, tambourine etc.
  4. The following equipment is supplied for ensembles: Chairs, music stands, drum kit (with cymbals), suspended cymbal, congas, bongos, vibraphone, bass amplifier, guitar amplifier, keyboard amplifier, electric piano and acoustic piano.

Adjudication comments are recorded and made available to all participating schools.


A Jazz Ensemble is a balanced group, consisting of Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones and Rhythm Section. The usual instrumen­tation is: 2 x Alto Saxophone, 2 x Tenor Saxophone, 1 x Baritone Saxophone, 4 x Trumpet, 4 x Trombone Rhythm Section: Piano, Electric/Acoustic/Double Bass, Drums, *Percussion, *Guitar * Optional



* The minimum number of performers is ten (14) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed twelve (12) minutes.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list A – Swing.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list B – Ballad.

* The third piece may be selected from the 2024 list C, or may be in one of the following styles: Latin, Blues, Shuffle, Rock, Swing, Funk.

* All ensembles are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.



* The minimum number of performers is ten (14) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list A – Swing.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list B – Ballad.

* The third piece may be selected from the 2024 list C, or may be in one of the following styles: Latin, Blues, Shuffle, Rock, Swing, Funk.

* All ensembles are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.

* Any Intermediate Jazz Ensemble that wishes to substitute a piece from the A – Swing or B – Ballad lists may apply to do so in writing. Requests for exemption of criteria must be forwarded with details of the replacement score, by June 23rd to:

Michael Jongebloed, Victorian School Music Festival, 228 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, 3122



* The minimum number of performers is ten (14) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed twenty (20) minutes.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list A – Swing.

* 1 piece must be selected from the 2024 list B – Ballad.

* The third piece may be selected from the 2024 list C, or may be in one of the following styles: Latin, Blues, Shuffle, Rock, Swing, Funk.

* All ensembles are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.

* Any Senior Jazz Ensemble that wishes to substitute a piece from the A – Swing or B – Ballad lists may apply to do so in writing. Requests for exemption of criteria must be forwarded with details of the replacement score, by June 23rd to: Michael Jongebloed, Victorian School Music Festival, 228 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, 3122

2024 Repertoire

Bethany Robinson

Chief Adjudictor, Jazz Ensembles

Bethany is a 2022 Grammy Music Educator Award Finalist and a Yamaha Performing Artist.

In 2011, Bethany received her first Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant, and traveled to New Orleans and New York City, exploring the current trends of jazz in those two cities. She experienced dozens of jazz shows, attended the Band Director Academy at Jazz at Lincoln Center, composed her first piece for big band, and came home with a whole new concept of jazz pedagogy at the secondary level. Since her return from this experience, her jazz program has expanded from 1 to 6 high school big bands, and the top band has made regular appearances at the ISSMA Indiana Jazz State Finals, placing first in 2023, first place finishes at both Ball State and Purdue University Jazz Festivals, and is a 2-time finalist for the Jazz at Lincoln Center Essentially Ellington Festival and Competition.

In 2018, Bethany was a part of the inaugural Indiana Jazz Girls Day, traveling around the state playing bass at concerts and workshops with New York City Musicians Leni Stern, Jamie Baum, and Indiana-based Monika Herzig. She continues to travel with this group annually in the spring, playing bass and serving as a clinician at workshops around the state of Indiana, inspiring young jazz musicians to be leaders on the bandstand.

In September 2021, Bethany was a keynote speaker for the Australia National Band and Orchestra Conference, speaking on topics like building jazz culture, teaching jazz for those new to jazz, and building leaders through the Jazz Girls Day Event.

Bethany was also recently named the 2023 “High School Music Educator of the Year” by the Indiana Music Educator Association. Bethany currently serves as Chair of the National Association for Music Education Jazz Council (NAfME), Jazz Education Network NAfME Liaison Board Member, and President of the Indiana Jazz Educators Association.