Victoria School Music Festival

Concert Band Section

2025 Dates:

VSMF Concert Band (BCB, NCB, JCB, & ICB)
August 20th & 21st
Christian College Geelong

VSMF Concert Band (JCB, ICB & ACB)
August 25th - 29th & Sept. 1st - 5th
Hawthorn Arts Centre

VSMF Young Concert Band (BCB & NCB)
November 10th - 14th
Hawthorn Arts Centre


BCB = Beginner Concert Band, NCB = Novice Concert Band

Festival Administrator
Michael Jongebloed
Victorian School Music Festival
228 Auburn Road
Hawthorn Vic 3122
PH: 03 98188520
Mobile: 0419 556 460

Registration Dates

Registration for 2025 Concert Band Section open between Thursday August 28th and Thursday May 1st.


Registration Process


Registration Process      

Online Registrations for the November Young Band section will open on Monday September 9th 2024.

      1. Registrations open at 9am on Monday September 9th and close at 5pm Wednesday September 11th.
      2. There are a certain number of places available in each section, refer to the proposed timetable. Groups will be allocated to sections in the order registrations are received.
      3. NOTE: This may happen before the close of registrations. Once places are filled schools will be placed on a waiting list.
      4. Registration can only be submitted on-line at
      5. Requests made after Wednesday September 11th. (close of applications) will be considered if possible. Please consult the proposed timetable when stating preferences.
  1. 2024 VSMF Young Band proposed Timetable
    1. Fees                   
    1. $80.00 per school ensemble plus $12.00 per participating student.
    2. Registration fees are inclusive of GST.
    3. Cancellations received prior to October 25th 2024 may apply for a refund of the participating student’s fees only. After October 25th no refunds will be made (this includes students who do not attend the actual event). Fees will still be applicable even if groups have withdrawn.
    4. If the Festival is postponed or cancelled due to Covid19 restrictions, a full refund will be provided.
    5. Registrations will not be accepted without a school order number. A tax invoice will be sent on receipt of registration.General Procedure
        1. Each ensemble will be given an arrival time. After registration the ensemble will be assigned to a courier who will have the responsibility of acting as a guide for the ensemble.
        2. Schools must adhere to arrival and departure times. Any school that departs without completing all activities without prior arrangement with the Festival Administrator.
        3. Each ensemble will participate in three activities:


Pre-performance warm –up & tuning period

Performance to a panel of adjudicators


Post Performance workshop on stage with the chief Adjudicator


Each ensemble will listen to 2 other ensembles perform.

New to the Young Band Section (Conductors Only)

When the performace and on stage workshop is complete the conductor will then have a one-to-one workshop with the Chief Adjudicator. This time will be spent discussing the performance and topics discussed throughout the on-stage workshop.

Participation Criteria



  1. The Festival is open to students who are currently attending any primary or secondary school, and who are participating in school/college concert bands and/or jazz ensembles.
  2. Combined school groups may participate if that ensemble rehearses on a regular basis. Confirmation of this arrangement must be sent with the registration form and co-signed by the principals of the schools involved.
  3. Teachers may not play with the ensemble.
  4. All school groups must provide the necessary ratio of staff supervision to the number students attending the Festival. It is not the responsibility of VSMF staff to monitor group behaviour. This also applies to groups attending the evening and weekend sessions.
  5. No school may register the same ensemble, or an ensemble made up of 80% of the same performers in two different levels within the same genre of ensembles (eg. Junior Concert Band & Intermediate Concert Band)


Performance Criteria



  1. Please refer to category information for specific regulations regarding choice of music.
  2. Any ensemble that fails to meet the performance criteria as set out for each category may be excluded from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will not be at the discretion of the Chair of Adjudicators.


 You will need to provide 2 copies of the scores for any piece you are performing at VSMF, no matter if it is from a set list from this year or past years.

Adjudication purposes.

  1. All changes to the score must be clearly indicated (e.g. Bass part played on synth).
  2. Each score is to be stapled together with the name of the school clearly marked.
  3. All scores provided for the adjudicators must have each bar numbered.
  4. Please refer to category information for specific regulations regarding performance criteria.
  5. If the total performance time as permitted in the performance criteria is exceeded, excess performance time will be subtracted from the on-stage tutorial time.
  6. Each ensemble will receive an award being Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze. Refer to Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble information for eligibility.
  7. Excess performance of more than two (2) minutes may result in exclusion from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will be at the discretion of the Chair of Adjudication.
  8. Any ensemble that fails to meet the performance criteria as set out for each category may be excluded from receiving a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award. This decision will be at the discretion of panel of Adjudicators.
  9. The decision of the panel of adjudicators is final. No further correspondence will be entered in to.



  1. Any Advanced Concert Bands that wish to play a major work may apply in writing for an exemption of the performance criteria relating to their section.
  2. Requests for exception of criteria must be forwarded with details of the replacement score, by June 23rd to: Michael Jongebloed, Victorian School Music Festival, 228 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, 3122


  1. All schools must use the equipment supplied.
  2. Schools may not use their own drumkits but may bring their own cymbals.
  3. Schools must provide all percussion mallets required for their performance and all auxiliary percussion eg: triangle, cabasa, tambourine etc.
  4. The following equipment is supplied for ensembles: Chairs, music stands, conductor’s stand, podium, snare drum, drum kit (with cymbals), suspended cymbals, hand (crash) cymbals, congas, bongos, 4 timpani, marimba, glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone, gong, bass drum, chimes, bass amplifier, guitar amplifier, keyboard amplifier, electric piano and acoustic piano.

Concert Band Section Information

Adjudication comments are recorded and made available to all participating schools.


A Concert Band is a balanced ensemble, consisting of Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments, as follows:

Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, *Bass Clarinet, *Bassoon, Eb Alto Saxophone, Bb Tenor Saxophone, *Eb Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, *French Horn, *Euphonium, *Tuba, *Double Bass, Percussion (Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Timpani, Glockenspiel, Xylophone and other instruments required by the given work) *Optional for younger groups.

In order to decide whether your band should enter Beginner or Novice Band section, use the repertoire list as a guide.

If the students are able to comfortably perform the Novice list, then that is the section they enter. The intention of the Beginner Band Section is to encourage very junior bands that have only been learning for a short time and whose members may have limited skills. This may be their first public performance.




* Open to any concert band that has not performed in any concert band festival or competition before 2024.

* The band must have an appropriate balance of instruments and have a minimum membership of fifteen (15) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed eight (8) minutes.

* Each band must play at least two (2) contrasting, published pieces of music. Ensembles may play as many works as time permits.

* At least one piece must be selected from the 2024 Beginner Concert Band list.

* Awards are not graded into Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze. All Beginner Bands will receive a Performance award acknowledging their performance.



* Open to any concert band that has not performed in any concert band festival or competition before 2023.

* The band must have an appropriate balance of instruments and have a minimum membership of fifteen (15) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed eight (8) minutes.

* Each band must play at least two (2) contrasting, published pieces of music. Ensembles may play as many works as time permits.

* At least one piece must be selected from the 2024 Novice Concert Band list.

* Awards are not graded into Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze. All Beginner Bands will receive a Performance award acknowledging their performance.




* The band must have an appropriate balance of instruments and have a minimum membership of twenty (20) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed nine (9) minutes.

* Play at least two contrasting works. Ensembles may play as many works as time permits.

* At least one selection must be from the 2024 Junior Concert Band repertoire list

* The other work(s) may be selected from the Junior Concert Band list or from the following categories: Overture, Chorale, Ballad, March, Symphonic Suite, Symphonic, Contemporary, Folk, Orchestral Transcription.

* All bands are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.



* The band must have an appropriate balance of instruments and have a minimum membership of twenty (20) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed twelve (12) minutes.

* Play at least two contrasting works. Ensembles may play as many works as time permits.

* At least one selection must be from the 2024 Intermediate Concert Band repertoire list.

* The other work(s) may be selected from the Intermediate Concert Band list or from the following categories: Overture, Chorale, Ballad, March, Symphonic Suite, Symphonic, Contemporary, Folk, Orchestral Transcription.

* All bands are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.



* The band must have an appropriate balance of instruments and have a minimum membership of thirty (30) including percussion.

* Performance time not to exceed twenty (20) minutes.

* Play at least two contrasting works. Ensembles may play as many works as time permits.

* At least one selection must be from the 2024 Advanced Concert Band repertoire list.

* The other work(s) may be selected from the Advanced Concert Band list or from the following categories: Overture, Chorale, Ballad, March, Symphonic Suite, Symphonic, Contemporary, Folk, and Orchestral Transcription.

* All bands are eligible for a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award.

* Any Advanced Concert Band that wishes to play a major work (more than 15 minutes) may apply in writing for an exemption of the performance criteria relating to their section. Requests must be forwarded with details of the replacement score, by June 23rd to: Michael Jongebloed, Victorian School Music Festival, 228 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, 3122

2025 Repertoire

Dr. Albert Nguyen

Chief Adj, Concert Band Section

Albert Nguyen is Director of Bands, conducts the University of Memphis Wind Ensemble, directs the graduate level instrumental conducting program, and oversees the Athletic, Symphonic and University Bands. Dr. Nguyen was the Assistant Director of Bands and Director of Athletic Bands at the University of Memphis for three years and served as Interim Director of Bands in 2011-2012.

Before coming to the University of Memphis, Dr. Nguyen served as a Graduate Assistant at The University of Texas at Austin where he directed the Concert Band and was a member of the Longhorn Band teaching staff. He was also an assistant conductor for the Wind Ensemble and frequently appeared as a guest conductor with the Wind Symphony, Symphony Band and Chamber Winds. Dr. Nguyen began his professional teaching career in Arkansas as the Director of Bands at Morrilton High School.

Maintaining his connection with public schools, Dr. Nguyen frequently serves as an adjudicator, clinician and guest conductor. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education from Arkansas Tech University and the Master of Music and Doctorate of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting from The University of Texas at Austin.

Nick Matherine

Chief Adj, Junior Concert Band Section

Nick Matherne is the artistic director of the Victorian Youth Symphony Orchestra, the assistant director of the Melbourne New Horizons Band, and the low brass instructor at Viewbank College where he directs the Hancock Big Band. As a conductor, Nick is a champion of new music, commissioning and performing new works and helping to proliferate music from all over the world to new audiences. Nick is committed to helping students learn and grow as musicians, developing their skills and passion for lifelong musicianship. His recent work, Harnessing the Power of Feedback to Improve Student Learning in Music was the lead article in the September 2023 issue of the Music Educators Journal.

He has directed community, secondary, and collegiate ensembles across the United States and Australia including the flagship bands and choirs at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. He is a PhD candidate in Music Psychology and Performance Science at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, where he is examining motivation for lifelong musicianship. He holds a Master’s degree in Music Education from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from James Madison University. His research has been published in Psychology of Music, the International Journal of Community Music, and the Journal of Music Teacher Education.